There's two days left in the month and my brother and i are surviving on THREE GIGS of bandwidth at home. We've been monitoring our net since the 2nd week in October and have been very generous with our downloads and streamings and limited ourselves to using only 1.5gigs (TOTAL, not each) per day. Regardless though, we are so so so screwed hahaha Pray that we can make it!!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
This entry will probably trip everyone out so i thought maybe i should put a disclaimer before reading any further.
i am NOT suicidal nor do i have some sort of chronic terminal disease in which lead me to writing and preparing for my death lol It's just a thought that came to me as i was doing some reading and upon finding that image (above).
Everyone who knows me, know that i am a avid, hardcore blogger. I don't know why I am comfortable with "sharing" my thoughts with the dangerous world wide web and its inhibitors, nor understand why I get comfort and satisfactory from blogging. It's probably one of those most single dangerous thing I can do online aside from posting my home address, cellphone number and facebook password (all at once). I have an open blog(s), an open Twitter and at one point during university my facebook WAS open to anybody that was in the Toronto area (population: 5.5 MIL). I made that completely private due to the fact that I was using my full name there and i did not want potential (and current) employers, potential in-laws, older relatives and creepy older china men to see what i like to do on the weekend (i.e. Dressing up for Halloween. Big no-no. Cannot impress potential in-laws or employers that way lol). A lot of people has expressed their "concern" about my blogging and not holding back on my thoughts can be ammo for the enemy...which i agree. I dunno, someone who wants to DETHRONE me (gossip girl influence there) or want to steal my job lets say- can FEED information to whomever that has the power to give them what they want. As much as that is true and blogging, my one comfort and one trait that gives me individuality amongst most people I know can potentially be my downfall. I can only say- OH WELL, to that. I don't believe in privatizing my blog (explaining why will take to long and i still need to do work) and don't think l'll be changing that belief anytime soon.
That said, lets say if i DO die tomorrow. (Which personally i don't think is very likely but at the same time IS possible due to all the deaths that's been popping up all over the news from negligence and THE FLU. It makes me believe our bodies are so weak it can't even fight the common flu/cold anymore. Also we have become a more accident-prone species granted with all these nifty gadgets.) What the hell is going to happen to my blog/tumblr/website/facebook/twitter/pics on laptop/etcetc.!?!? id think it would be rather creepy if anyone decides to take over any of them...Anyways! So i found this:
"Legacy Locker is a safe, secure repository for your digital property that lets you grant access to online assets for friends and loved ones in the event of death or disability. For each account you place in your locker, you can designate one beneficiary to that account."
How thoughtful? & Smart? I might just consider using this.....not now though (duh) but in the near future. I think is nice to be able to leave something behind that would allow your friends and loved ones to keep access to your blog/fb, without having them need to go into a large legal headache battle with facebook or blogger to gain access to your account.
Yeah yeah l'm nuts. lol It's halloween i'm telling you....the whole creepy...spooky....death...thing......yeah. Nobody gets it. lol
Good Day to all!
Tagged Under:
im a dork,
no tag,
Social Media Whore
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Whoever thought Carter Baizen (Sebastian Stan) is not cute should think twice after looking at this pic.
He is SO so so cute ohmygod (in a very weird, awkward way) I now must divert 0.05% of my time to him (the other 99.90% is with Chuck Bass and 0.05% is for Nate...) when he has some screen time on GG.
sighs. The eye candy just doesn't stopppppppp.
Halloween in T-minus 2!
sighs. The eye candy just doesn't stopppppppp.
Halloween in T-minus 2!
Tagged Under:
My Secret Affair(s),
Random Babble,
XOXO- Gossip Girl
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Deja Vu
So i have my gay rash/hive thing again. My eyes are mega swollen, blotchy and itchy. Same goes with my arms. I'm just praying it doesnt spread. I think i can almost conclude that my skin is so sensitive, i am unable to undergo any type of intense, exfoliating, facial-like procedure....which is a big bummer. Hopefully since this my second time in two months, it will go away faster because i've reacted faster to treating it and it will go away by.....HALLOWEEEN!!!!! Omg if i have this for Halloween, Octobers is officially my CURSE month. The reason being ever since i think Year 2 University, every October i've been cursed with either an intense cold, a kidney infection (!!!!) and/or now, an allergy rash.
Yeps not good.
Anyways, Sylvia & David's Engagement dinner was last night and it was a total success. I hope they enjoyed themselves very, very much. This is totally vain of me, but i just wanted to show off my very lame (but somewhat successful) attempt at calligraphy while writing in their card....3am in the morning.
HMMMM, i think i did a wonderful job...don't you think? ^^;;
Yeps not good.
Anyways, Sylvia & David's Engagement dinner was last night and it was a total success. I hope they enjoyed themselves very, very much. This is totally vain of me, but i just wanted to show off my very lame (but somewhat successful) attempt at calligraphy while writing in their card....3am in the morning.
HMMMM, i think i did a wonderful job...don't you think? ^^;;
Tagged Under:
Beauty is Torture,
Bitching Rant,
Design Monster,
im a dork
Thursday, October 22, 2009
And this is why you must double check all your e-mails.
ahhaha (good thing i caught it)
"Sounds great Doug!"Can turn into,
"Sounds great Dough!"Then you'll REALLY look stupid.
ahhaha (good thing i caught it)
Tagged Under:
im a dork,
Random Babble
Monday, October 19, 2009
reblog: TVB
i'm pretty much reblogging the exact entry J did last week. but started today, were two super great TVB dramas that is going to make my bandwidth usage skyrocket because i am (well, my brother is lol) is going to download these in HD and i'm going to come home and enjoy these babies.
indeed i have gone drama-nuts.
First up, Beyond the Realm of Conscience [ 宮心計], 35 episodes
I watched this just now and it was SO dramaful, exciting and intense already i cannot wait to watch tomorrow's episode. Even the poster looks fierce. I also gotta add how effing HAWT their eye makeup is. They all got some intense smokey MAC eye going on, on almost every single character and its sooo sexy.The costume are also really pretty and seductive too. lolll
Second, Born Rich [富貴門], 41 episodes
I havn't watched the entire episode yet, only the first minute when the theme song is playing and i paused it to blog about it lol Without even watching it, i KNOW its good and i already like it because the theme song is good. haha Yes i totally judge a drama by its theme song. Also because i am a HUGE fan of Gallen Lo and this is his first drama back from "retirement" that's similar to all his hit dramas (Golden Faith, Cold Blood Warm Heart, Threshold of an Era I&II) .. it's gotta be good. Maybe i can sneak in 15 minutes before sleeping.
indeed i have gone drama-nuts.
First up, Beyond the Realm of Conscience [ 宮心計], 35 episodes
I watched this just now and it was SO dramaful, exciting and intense already i cannot wait to watch tomorrow's episode. Even the poster looks fierce. I also gotta add how effing HAWT their eye makeup is. They all got some intense smokey MAC eye going on, on almost every single character and its sooo sexy.The costume are also really pretty and seductive too. lolll
Second, Born Rich [富貴門], 41 episodes
I havn't watched the entire episode yet, only the first minute when the theme song is playing and i paused it to blog about it lol Without even watching it, i KNOW its good and i already like it because the theme song is good. haha Yes i totally judge a drama by its theme song. Also because i am a HUGE fan of Gallen Lo and this is his first drama back from "retirement" that's similar to all his hit dramas (Golden Faith, Cold Blood Warm Heart, Threshold of an Era I&II) .. it's gotta be good. Maybe i can sneak in 15 minutes before sleeping.
Tagged Under:
Download Overload
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Pretty Picture of the day ( via Source )
Actually more like, pretty girl of the day. Notice the hot voluminous hair, perfect hollow cheekbones, slender neck, mole above lip, big pretty smokey eyes. Sighs. lol.
Tagged Under:
Beauty has a Price,
Beauty is Torture,
Random Babble
Economical Decisions
Last night after dinner with his parents, LX and i were completely clueless on what to do. We were too poor to call people to come out.... actually we didn't want to go out in general because going out requires money but we didn't want to be boring either. In the end, we decided that we wanted to watch a movie and/or go for ice cream floats @ Demetres. That's when our thinking caps turned on and came up with this:
Aren't we so smart? I feel like we are ^^
I am so proud of my creation!! Ah, i keep on looking at it and love it more and more haha. A large congrats again to Sylvia and her fiancee. =]
Movie => Wanting to watch an older movie to save money on the ticket => Me suggesting we go rent one @ Blockbuster => Lx propose that we DOWNLOAD it instead => Saw V DVD Ripped in less than half an hour.
What would cost: $ 21.00 ==> Now costed: $ 0 [ SAVINGS OF $21.00 ]
Dessert @ Demetres => Ice Cream on Sale @ Shoppers Drug Mart => Coke at my house => Us Preparing => Homemade Ice Cream floats
Dessert @ Demetres => Ice Cream on Sale @ Shoppers Drug Mart => Coke at my house => Us Preparing => Homemade Ice Cream floats
What would cost: $ 4.99 (x2) + tax&tips = $12.59 ==> Now costed: $ 2.99 [ SAVINGS OF $9.54 ]
Aren't we so smart? I feel like we are ^^
I am so proud of my creation!! Ah, i keep on looking at it and love it more and more haha. A large congrats again to Sylvia and her fiancee. =]
Tagged Under:
Boyfriend Bliss,
Cineplex Complex,
epic adventures of the mister and i,
Random Babble
two nights in a row bullseye
To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable. It is often a metaphor for some form of insecurity.
To dream that you have been assassinated, represents a hopeless situation which need your immediate attention and action.
You people must be getting bored with my rants. Even i'm bored with them.
Tagged Under:
Bitching Rant,
Its early in the morning. I'm laying in bed, blogging on my blueberry and still stressed to the max. Even though I have a million and one negative things going through my head, there's one thing that literally gives me the strength to face those million and one things.
That said I want to tell the world how much I love Lx. Thank you for putting up with me.
Okay done.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
That said I want to tell the world how much I love Lx. Thank you for putting up with me.
Okay done.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Tagged Under:
Boyfriend Bliss,
mobile blogging
Saturday, October 17, 2009
double bullseye
To dream of your brain, suggests that you are under severe intellectual stress. It may also symbolize your problem-solving abilities and that you need to put those abilities to use. Alternatively, it may imply that your ideas are not receiving enough attention and validation. You are concerned that your knowledge and teachings are not be transmitted clearly.
To dream that something is rotten, suggests that you are wasting away your potential. You have failed to make use of the opportunities that have come your way.
I dreamt that i somehow managed to open my head, see my brain and parts of it was rotten!!! It was so effing dirty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to pick out the rotten parts but it was so unbelievably gross holy shit.
But again, my subconcious hits the mark again, double bullseye.
Tagged Under:
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
double fffound
D&G Dolce&Gabbana Black Lace Bow Peeptoe Pumps
1950's glamour, 4.5" Black patent peeptoe with cream satin and black lace bow detail.
Happiness for only $470 CND!
And on the subject of shoes and shopping:
Christina Aguilera's actual closet. Messed! That's ridiculously hot. She's ridiculously hot in that outfit too. Her kid kind of looks neglected there though. With all those shoes you would think she can afford some pants for her baby lol
This is what i do when i'm sad- look at other people's rich lives and expensive sexy shoes lol
1950's glamour, 4.5" Black patent peeptoe with cream satin and black lace bow detail.
Happiness for only $470 CND!
And on the subject of shoes and shopping:
(via source)
Christina Aguilera's actual closet. Messed! That's ridiculously hot. She's ridiculously hot in that outfit too. Her kid kind of looks neglected there though. With all those shoes you would think she can afford some pants for her baby lol
This is what i do when i'm sad- look at other people's rich lives and expensive sexy shoes lol
Tagged Under:
A Girls tale: Shopping,
Beauty has a Price,
Beauty is Torture
Monday, October 12, 2009
Hmm, i know i've already posted twice today already (about twilight ^^) but suddenly my blogging mode switched on and because work tomorrow (frowns and sobs) is going to be stressful and frustrating i probably won't have anytime to blog from work like i normally do which is why i'm going to start word vomiting right now
It's Thanksgiving Monday and my family attempted to be festive but failed miserably and we ended up with salty turkey. I don't know why but the entire day i was really bitter and grouchy and i feel terrible for it, but every little thing somehow managed to annoy the crap out of me. I feel sorry for acting out this way, i guess i should try to make it up on another day. I blame the weather, for being so crappy and gloomy. & Rainy for the rest of the week. I can already foreshadow how grouchy l'll be for the coming week.
It's already the middle of October and i've been really disappointed up to this point so far. My life has been put on hold for almost two weeks because of this rash i got. I missed Nuit Blanche which to me was one of the bigger disappointments (again, will blog about that later), canceled several outings including my nails evening with C. Stopped gyming in fear my swollen face and neck would alarm people. I''ve gone to work with icepacks (3x) and replace them bi-hourly to ease the itch and my days and nights has gone by with an icepack to my neck, face and hands.
The only GOOD i can see that came from this rash, is a second chance at beautiful skin!! Haha as corny as that sounds, lx and i found the rash might have killed all the acne on my face and under advice from the dermatologist, my face is on its way to clear skin!!!!
Yes, the only good thing and now back to bad things.
Work has definitely gotten much more stressful and i dread going to work tomorrow to face the pile of codes i have to understand and sort through. Its been almost half a year since i've started to work here and i think it has gotten to a point where i'm so sick of being unappreciated and most importantly, being overworked and not being compensated for it. I can deal with the non-appreciative part, but the not being compensated (in wage or benefits) for my work has really begun to bother me. I'll leave it at that.
Anyways, i'm looking foward to the rest of October and hope only good things come out of it. My 30 month with LX next week (we're not celebrating it, i just like bringing it up lol), S's engagement dinner, L & LX's Bday and most importantly, Halloween. =D
My nails also need to grow faster b/c i have been manicure-deprived. On the subject of nails, i am waiting patiently for the new month to come so i can buy either that new MATTE nail polish @ Sephora or Dry Martini from Mac. I told myself that i'm only allowed one new color per month and since i used up this month's quota for Sephora's Dark Room (It's suppose to be dark Green but it actually looks black. I was very disappointed because i don't want another black polish and wished i bought Mac's Beyond Jealous instead), I'm not allowed to get anything else until November.
Moving onto shopping. I have told myself that i must really stop buying little things immediately because i need to save up for four larger purchases.
Ah, i think i might have wanted to type more but its 10pm and i need sleep to face the day tomorrow. No Body Pump for me tmr because i pretty certain i'm staying late again.
Maybe l'll walk that extra 20 minutes to get myself a Starbucks tmr. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
It's Thanksgiving Monday and my family attempted to be festive but failed miserably and we ended up with salty turkey. I don't know why but the entire day i was really bitter and grouchy and i feel terrible for it, but every little thing somehow managed to annoy the crap out of me. I feel sorry for acting out this way, i guess i should try to make it up on another day. I blame the weather, for being so crappy and gloomy. & Rainy for the rest of the week. I can already foreshadow how grouchy l'll be for the coming week.
It's already the middle of October and i've been really disappointed up to this point so far. My life has been put on hold for almost two weeks because of this rash i got. I missed Nuit Blanche which to me was one of the bigger disappointments (again, will blog about that later), canceled several outings including my nails evening with C. Stopped gyming in fear my swollen face and neck would alarm people. I''ve gone to work with icepacks (3x) and replace them bi-hourly to ease the itch and my days and nights has gone by with an icepack to my neck, face and hands.
The only GOOD i can see that came from this rash, is a second chance at beautiful skin!! Haha as corny as that sounds, lx and i found the rash might have killed all the acne on my face and under advice from the dermatologist, my face is on its way to clear skin!!!!
Yes, the only good thing and now back to bad things.
Work has definitely gotten much more stressful and i dread going to work tomorrow to face the pile of codes i have to understand and sort through. Its been almost half a year since i've started to work here and i think it has gotten to a point where i'm so sick of being unappreciated and most importantly, being overworked and not being compensated for it. I can deal with the non-appreciative part, but the not being compensated (in wage or benefits) for my work has really begun to bother me. I'll leave it at that.
Anyways, i'm looking foward to the rest of October and hope only good things come out of it. My 30 month with LX next week (we're not celebrating it, i just like bringing it up lol), S's engagement dinner, L & LX's Bday and most importantly, Halloween. =D
My nails also need to grow faster b/c i have been manicure-deprived. On the subject of nails, i am waiting patiently for the new month to come so i can buy either that new MATTE nail polish @ Sephora or Dry Martini from Mac. I told myself that i'm only allowed one new color per month and since i used up this month's quota for Sephora's Dark Room (It's suppose to be dark Green but it actually looks black. I was very disappointed because i don't want another black polish and wished i bought Mac's Beyond Jealous instead), I'm not allowed to get anything else until November.
Moving onto shopping. I have told myself that i must really stop buying little things immediately because i need to save up for four larger purchases.
- Insurance/Driving School
I've come to realization that i only have 2 years to get my G and i am royally fukked hence the need to speed up the process and pray that it will come easy to me. I've been procrastinating since 2007 lol
- Passport
I have all my forms filled, i just need to go take that photo and head over to the passport office @ STC to get this over with lol This too, I've been procrastinating since 2007. - Winter Jacket
Whether it be a TNA Jacket, a CND Goose, or some other brand one. I really would like to have a new one. I told myself since year 3, my graduate year WILL be the year i get a TNA jacket but i'm very hesitant because this year for some lame reason they only have the jackets made in Black, and i think either Brown or Green. All of which is not what i wanted because my heart was set out on purchasing the dark Navy blue one, and my second choice would have been the gray. Now since both my first (kind of my only choice) and second (passable) choice are not even MADE this year, i really don't want to even get it because everyone has the black one and the other two colors don't appeal to me. Thinking back, the one jacket i am literally HUNTING for is this gorgeous Zoo York one that i saw back in 07. Think TNA jacket but dark navy blue and red plaided-insides. Absolutely gorgeous and unfortunately i let that one slip by for only $225-ish. That's my winter jacket tale. - New Glasses
Fairly straight-forward, i'm tired of my current D&G ones, they've been horribly scratched up, abused and bent by me and i want to discard them for a pair of black Roberto Cavailli's that i've seen once make a special appearance on Sex & the City. i doubt l can find the same ones but l'll settle for anything similar. - MAYBE MAYBE- Uggs
Alright i know the mister AND my cousin are intensely against me buying it (lol) and becoming a bear but i noticed the three boots i bought during my little insane spree are not really....erm warm and comfortable per say.... I know i totally deserve losing a toe or two for spending so much money on 3 pairs of Gossip Girl-like styled boots but i really need something comfortable for work......which is where Uggs come in!!!!! A pair of Classic Mini's in either Chestnut or Chocolate isn't asking for too much.....!!??? This of course is not a priority,which would let me of the hook for a bit.
Ah, i think i might have wanted to type more but its 10pm and i need sleep to face the day tomorrow. No Body Pump for me tmr because i pretty certain i'm staying late again.
Maybe l'll walk that extra 20 minutes to get myself a Starbucks tmr. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
Get off my Case on Twilight
I bet you watched at least one shitty show, read one shitty book, or listen to one shitty band that is equivalent. We all have our tastes. Yeah, Stephenie Meyer writes like a 12 year old boy, and yes, it is just like every vampire book on the face of the earth...(via Source)
But i like it, and at this point, being a dick about twilight is just as overrated as liking it. So shut the fuck up already.
Tagged Under:
Bitching Rant,
Books are Beautiful,
Edward Cullen is a God
( via Source )
I laughed SO hard when i saw this hahaha I absolutely had to share. So so true!!!! Rofl.
Tagged Under:
Edward Cullen is a God
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Burger King
A conversation i had and the reaction i got.
[ Twin ] i feel like burger king now
[ Twin ] LOL
[ Me ] LOL whats wih u ppl an burger king
[ Me ] ive never had a whopper in my life
[ Twin ] WHAT
[ Twin ] UGH slap in my face. i am sadden. and disappointed
[ Twin ] i'll buy u a burger king for u bday
[ Twin ] infact we're having bk before twilight since its right across the street
Happy Thanksgiving !
[ Twin ] i feel like burger king now
[ Twin ] LOL
[ Me ] LOL whats wih u ppl an burger king
[ Me ] ive never had a whopper in my life
[ Twin ] WHAT
[ Twin ] UGH slap in my face. i am sadden. and disappointed
[ Twin ] i'll buy u a burger king for u bday
[ Twin ] infact we're having bk before twilight since its right across the street
Are Whoppers really that great? lolLX lurves it, twin lurves it, seems like the GCM boys lurves it too. i guess its time to try??? Minus the veggies of course.
Happy Thanksgiving !
Tagged Under:
im a dork,
Random Babble
Friday, October 9, 2009
New Layout (after 3 months)
Yeahhh i couldn't wait lol so here it is. I found a template and tried to make it look more "tumblr"-ish because im currently obsessed with Tumblr but didnt want to migrate completely over there. I'm currently going through the, i am into vintage, romantic, soft and glowy look phase which would explain all the pretty pictures and the yellow floral wallpaper i have going on. (i hope its not too much....but i personally adore it). There's lots of tweaking that needs to be done. Would have fixed all the bugs before letting this layout go live but the other account didnt have certain features i have here.
& thank god for the weekend. i really need the break. Work is making me really frustrated and stressed. Will stop here, don't want to think about it until tomorrow.....when they're supposedly going to call me to give me an online training....during the long weekend......yeah. fak. Should have specified a time-frame i would be available. I hope they don't call me.
Anyways, enjoy the new look!
Tagged Under:
Bitching Rant,
Boring: Career,
Design Monster
10 Things Men don't like about Women
- QUESTIONS - A man hates when a woman starts asking questions about everything, they dont go to the point, they like to play around with questions, to see if they can get you to confess something you did, its often known as trick questions, and only a few man know their way out of a non-stop questionaire of a woman.
- TAKING FOREVER TO GET READY - Is there a thing a guy hates is waiting, guys have no patience what so ever, especially when is time to go out and a woman spends hours changing clothes and trying different stuff, a man hates when a woman takes time for every little action they take.
- EMOTIONAL SHOULDER - Men dont like when woman treat them as another girlfriend or talk about feelings with them, men dont like to be treated as emotional support.
- OPINIONS - Guys dont like when a women ask them for opinions especially when is girl related, examples are DO I LOOK FAT IN THIS? SHOULD I WEAR THIS ONE OR THIS ONE? and those are the most commons and most hated ask questions from women to men.
- SEX WEAPON - Men hate when a women uses sex as a weapon, when they want to get something out of the man, or use excuses to punish a man by not having sex, that is one of the most hated it things known to men.
- SHOPPING - Shopping with a girl has to be one of the worst punishments a guy could get, they simply cannot decide for anything, and they have to try every single piece to see if they like it, men do not have the patience for this and we including me know that 24 hours is not enough for a woman to go out and buy a pair of panties.
- TALKING - Women are natural talkers, they can spend hours and hours talking non-stop about the same thing, and men hate this, they simply cannot stand a woman go on and on and on about something, specially when they talk about themselves.
- CRITICISM - Men don’t like a woman criticizing or judging another woman, we think is unnecessary and treat other women as rivals or criticize other women’s clothes, shoes and pretty much anything they dont like on them.
- SILENT TREATMENT - This another most hated things from women known to men, the silent treatment is a stage a girl uses to not talk or even look at you while you try to talk or explain something to them, its like a man doesnt exist to them and it could go on for days.
- GOOD MEMORY - Is there one thing we men hate is the women’s good memory to bring back past mistakes we men made, they can remember the details and every time a discussion happens they bring it up to make you miserable and make you remember every mistake you have done in the past year.
(via source)
Really? Does guys really hate all this? I'm guilty of pretty much all of that haha and even worst i think i do #1,3, 4 and 8 excessively. Dear gawd the mister must hate me so so much hahaha
Tagged Under:
Boyfriend Bliss,
im a dork,
Random Babble
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Back in Action
I FINALLY have Adobe Master Suite Collection back on my laptop all thanks to lx and his miracle installation. I don't know how he did it because when i went through the same procedures and used the same CD and keygen as he failed miserably on me....sooo....yeah. Kudos/Yoda (inside joke heh) to my boyfriend. haha Honestly though, those 2 months without Photoshop was brutal. I don't know how the hell i would have gone through life without it. It almost felt like i lost all my drive because i wasn't able to do any type of design work. Even lx noticed how i seem to have lost focus and that really bothers me because i hate not being productive.
So i made up my mind.
I will buy the real version of the Master Suite in this lifetime. No more pirated versions!!! hahaha.
Anyhoo. New layout in the works. I am in love with it and would load it immediately but I might possibly change my blog URL. I'm in the middle of working on some logistical issues that requires 24-48hrs for changes to be effective....i don't know whether it will work so i dont want to change layouts just yet. In event when you people do come by and see a broken link, its probably means i sorted out the logistics and i have in fact permanently changed the blog URL (probably to [insert an unknown word] so go find the updated blog link via other channels (i.e. my twitter, tumblr or facebook) you guys stalk me at.
Stay tuned.
Tagged Under:
Design Monster,
Random Babble
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
add-on: scarves addiction

I was stalking through my own pics from year 1&2 @ GCM and saw myself wearing a really nice scarf and then asked myself "heyyyyyy where did THAT go".Sadly i already knew the answer to that and became a lil bitter. Argh those pictures reminded me of how many scarves i have lost over the years by either leaving it at GCM (i even know who took one of them!!! ahhh) or on the TTC.
damn if i've just been a LITTLE more careful i wouldn't need to buy all these new ones!
or not.
They don't call it an addiction for nothing. gah.
I wrote this up a couple months ago but since its autumn now, it seems completely necessary to bring it up again. Reblogging so i know what to get and not freaking buy the same thing lol Scarves i will eventually get:
- A Hot Pink-colored scarf
A red-colored scarf- A green-colored scarf
a floral patterned scarfa pastel yellow-color scarf- a pretty patterned scarf of some sort
- a striped scarf
- a nice looking, jumble, suffocate-myself-in wool scarf in general
another square scarf of any sort would be nice (lets make it four!)a white scarfa plain black square scarf- Perhaps a nice grey-colored wool scarf
I am in desperate need of a new scarf box because my current one is totally overflowing.
Maybe i really should have gotten it yesterday at Ikea.
You Know You Love Me
Otay felt like adding my comments to some of the hollywood gossip i encountered in the past couple of days.
And that's all. Lunch over!
- "Artists don't need to go to College"
- Taylor Momensen aka jenny humprhey from gossip girl is SUCH a moron. Reading the article made me pissed, her character annoys me too ever since she went on that crazy fashion-rebel thing. Holy crap. Click here to read allll about it. She also needs to DRESS her age. Turning into another Lindsay Lohan, i swear. - Kevin Zegers
- On the note of gossip girl, saw pictures of Kevin Zegars on set. I, am, disappointed. He looks aged and fat. Just like Leonardo DiCaprio : ( - “Oprah wants the 2016 Olympics to be in Chicago”
- You know, just because Oprah says so. I SO think Chicago is going to get it. Nobody crosses Oprah!!!! Not even the international Olympics committee or Obama. NOOO ONEEEE - Jon and Kate Plus Eight
- Ah, the big entertaining one. For the past week they have made headlines on pretty much every gossip site i visit.
First, TLC fires Jon as i mentioned before pwahhah then he goes and shuts down Kate plus 8 with his sign.ahahhahaha omg that made me laugh so hard internally. Somebody that can spell their name wrong obviously got some issues right? hahahahah
Next, there's apparently a huge war between TLC and Jon G’s legal team and they're firing press release statements (as ammo) at each other. TLC’s latest ammo:
“Jon Gosselin is Self-Destructive, Unprofessional and Opportunistic”.
Seriously though, he’s either really a big douche or he’s been wrongfully accused all this time and it’s gonna be the whole MJ thing again where if he happens to die from a sudden death (lets say tmr), everyone is gonna say he’s the best reality show daddy in the world and all the cute babies are gonna mourn, there will be a big legal fight between kate (and the eight) and that new trailer-gf of his over his insurance policy and that’s gonna be front page news for the remaining month to this year. Yeah, I so see that happening
Latest news on them: Kate is beyond furious that Jon raided the joint account of $230,000, leaving her with $1,000 to pay all the bills. Kate sobs and says she can't pay the bills.
LOL and it just keeeeeps coming and commmmming.
And that's all. Lunch over!
Tagged Under:
XOXO- Gossip Girl
old-school love
Last night on facebook, the first Wex (my highschool)-sweethearts from my grade changed their status to ENGAGED. As expected as it was and we all saw it coming but rather it was a matter of time of when it will happen- i am at complete loss of words when it comes to describing how unbelievably happy i am for them. Even though i've had no direct contact (well maybe except for the groom-to-be, i had an occasion few PSY classes with him over the 4 yrs at Ryerson) since high school, it's still great to see them tie the knot (finally). They're both really kind people and definitely deserve each other.
In a way i think i'm way TOO happy for them? Given the fact i don't exactly hang with them haha I guess this news for me is also validation that fairytale endings do exist. For the past couple of years i've been pretty skeptical of this (especially when it comes to highschool sweethearts). With all the break-ups i've heard, witnessed and been part of- it makes it all the harder when everyone around you (including yourself) isn't living that fairytale dream that you believe in. Thus with them tying the knot, they're living proof to me that old-school love can survive (!!) in this modern day era where greed, money, technology and ambitions can destroy all that.
Whichhhhhh would explain why i am SO SO happy because they're going AGAINST the grain!! (ha ha GCM nerd joke) A big congrats to them! I'm excited to see her load their wedding pictures.
Up next, G&N, ET&Jules, and enoughabout-you&A on the alter list lol. I'm waiting for those facebook status changes.
Face is slowly recovering, neck is still gross but on the path to recovery. What i'm actually quite fearful of right now is the swelling around the eye area. B/c the eye area is extra sensitive, i fear that the wrinkles that are visibly present are going to stay there permanently. Shit i was telling the mister last night i look like i'm forty and that scares the fcuk out of me. I've been going out (only for work and either walmart or price chopper) without makeup on for the past week (FYI: There hasn't been a day where I have left the house without eyeliner on since 2004) all while praying i don't bump into anyone i know, or anyone lx knows (i don't want to embarrass him). I don't understand how something can appear so quick but can take SO long to go away.
Oh and i bought New Moon tickets for myself and twin.
Even though we are a month and two weeks early. giggle giggle.
In a way i think i'm way TOO happy for them? Given the fact i don't exactly hang with them haha I guess this news for me is also validation that fairytale endings do exist. For the past couple of years i've been pretty skeptical of this (especially when it comes to highschool sweethearts). With all the break-ups i've heard, witnessed and been part of- it makes it all the harder when everyone around you (including yourself) isn't living that fairytale dream that you believe in. Thus with them tying the knot, they're living proof to me that old-school love can survive (!!) in this modern day era where greed, money, technology and ambitions can destroy all that.
Whichhhhhh would explain why i am SO SO happy because they're going AGAINST the grain!! (ha ha GCM nerd joke) A big congrats to them! I'm excited to see her load their wedding pictures.
Up next, G&N, ET&Jules, and enoughabout-you&A on the alter list lol. I'm waiting for those facebook status changes.
Face is slowly recovering, neck is still gross but on the path to recovery. What i'm actually quite fearful of right now is the swelling around the eye area. B/c the eye area is extra sensitive, i fear that the wrinkles that are visibly present are going to stay there permanently. Shit i was telling the mister last night i look like i'm forty and that scares the fcuk out of me. I've been going out (only for work and either walmart or price chopper) without makeup on for the past week (FYI: There hasn't been a day where I have left the house without eyeliner on since 2004) all while praying i don't bump into anyone i know, or anyone lx knows (i don't want to embarrass him). I don't understand how something can appear so quick but can take SO long to go away.
Oh and i bought New Moon tickets for myself and twin.
Even though we are a month and two weeks early. giggle giggle.
Monday, October 5, 2009
this is a test
Testing mobile blogging from blackberry. Test test 1 2 3
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
"To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal."
I dreamt i was pregnant and Edward Cullen was the daddy (PWAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA).
Now if you disregard the explicit rowdy aspect of the dream, i find the the significance meaning behind it is exactly what i feel like i need right now. A big "X" marks the spot calling for me. Maybe this is really the time to re-evaluate what i want to do with my life.
I dreamt i was pregnant and Edward Cullen was the daddy (PWAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA).
Now if you disregard the explicit rowdy aspect of the dream, i find the the significance meaning behind it is exactly what i feel like i need right now. A big "X" marks the spot calling for me. Maybe this is really the time to re-evaluate what i want to do with my life.
Tagged Under:
Boring: Career,,
Edward Cullen is a God,
im a dork,
My Secret Affair(s),
Random Babble
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Starbucks Addict
Gah and here you people think i am a Starbucks freak, always hanging around there lol. I'm a noob compared to this guy! Bringing his mini mac and his 15" monitor with the keyboard and the works!
Quick update.
i missed Nuit Blanche yesterday night (will write an more in-depth blog entry on my feelings on that) because the mister assessed my face and felt like i was in no shape to leave the house, let alone walk around Toronto until sunrise. So, i stayed home and was bitter (because he made me chop my nails) while watching Legend of the Condor Heroes 94 (the one with Chi Lam!) until 3am.
Face is slightly better today, but probably only due to the fact that i have an icepack/cold compressor bag stuck to my face every waking AND sleeping second. Hopefully a right can come out of this mess of wrongs. What i mean is hopefully this rash on my face can lead to my face clearing up. I also need to really buckle down and start detox-ing my system and begin a meal plan for the next few months. I need to start watching and taking care of my health because indirectly that will affect my weight and appearance of my skin in a positive light. I'm fairly confident i can do it, the only obstacle is making the time, or rather setting a time aside for me to plan for it all and of course, discipline above all. If lx can quit smoking for me (and of course himself), i know i would be able to do this for him and myself.
Yeah that's about it.
Tagged Under:
Beauty is Torture,
Boyfriend Bliss,
Download Overload,
I am a Starbucks-oholic
Friday, October 2, 2009
Day6: Life with a Hair Straightener
I picked up a Hair Straighter at some Beauty Supply Store by the misters this weekend and to my surprise i didn't spend as much as i thought i was going to. Anyways, l'll like to express (here, i already expressed my feelings on twitter) how surprised i am..actually more like shock, on how i was able to go through life without a hair straightener. Seriously guys, i thought we were friends? Why'd you people let me live life with bush-like hair? haha Shame on all of you. Honestly i am still in disbelief how different my hair looks once its straightened. It seriously is one of the greatest invention EVER (@ what jennut's tweet said lol) Also as twin once said to me (and she is always, ALWAYS righ)
YES! INDEED! I no longer look like a lion!!!!
Moving on.
Hmmm I havn't word vomited in a while, so here goes all my randomness.
I actually wrote this entry a couple of days ago but didn't get a chance to complete it so some of the material is pretty old and lame. The most exciting recent news is i broke out in nasty red rashes all over my face. I'm not exaggerating about my face being very red, bumpy, swollen and itchy all over (even on my eyelids) and has kind of spread onto my neck. I'm currently typing with an cold compressor pack thing on my face. sobs. Not good at all. I went to work today with a cap on and my scarf shielding my face completely (only my eyes showed). I wish i took a picture of the bus driver man's face when i first got on the bus. It was so priceless because his face expression changed so fast in matters of seconds!! I'm sure he was scared (that i might bomb the bus), curious (what is this girl trying to hide) and freaked (because i might also be carrying the H1N1 virus). I think i'm gonna dress the same way tmr night, i hope i don't scare people at Nuit Blanche.
Next! A large congrats to S on her engagement!!!!! I'm glad shes allowing me the great pleasure to help you create your engagement dinner invites and letting me use my "expertise" in finding you a printer lol that is indeed what i am good for. Four years of GCM is NOT going to waste!!!! Weddings + Printing = Me, a Happy Panda. Yay! She's my first friend that's getting married, and alrwdy, its so so different from a RELATIVE getting married. K and i are having a blast already with our bbm pre-proposal, post-proposal and pre-wedding chats. haha <3 Cannot wait for the engagement dinnnah coming up very soooon.
On other side notes, i was reading up on some gossip-related news and found out that the show, Jon and Kate plus 8 will no longer be called that but changing to "Kate plus Eight". Hmmm. How very weird. I wonder are they going to make the kids say "NOW HERE'S A NEW EPISODE OF KATE PLUS EIGHT"......i can imagine it being awkward already since typing it was already pretty strange lol that would be pretty sad if they said that. I'm sure the babies will question where did daddy Jon go and then grow up blaming themselves for their daddy's departure when its really daddy douchebag's fault and i'm not going to get into that heh.
AND AND on Gossip Girl, they announced recently that Kevin Zegers is going to be on a "cycle" of episodes. To those who don't know who he is, he's this really hot guy who looks like Chase Crawford and Leonardo DiCaprio (the titanic days) combined into one. I am tres tres excited that such delicious eye candy will be joining an already exciting cast. HHEHEHE
Ok i wanted to a lot type more but my face is irritating me so must stop here and probably head to bed
again, excuse the broken english. i really should put more effort into my typing.
In the near future i foresee:
- a trip to the dermatologist
- an engagement dinner @ baton rouge
- a pedicure date with C @ 10spot
- a rush at work
- more time spent at the gym
- a movie (maybe), dinner, starbucks session with the boys
- 30month anniversary with the mister
" it (buy the straightener). It will change your life. Like how Harry Potter and Twilight did."
YES! INDEED! I no longer look like a lion!!!!
Moving on.
Hmmm I havn't word vomited in a while, so here goes all my randomness.
I actually wrote this entry a couple of days ago but didn't get a chance to complete it so some of the material is pretty old and lame. The most exciting recent news is i broke out in nasty red rashes all over my face. I'm not exaggerating about my face being very red, bumpy, swollen and itchy all over (even on my eyelids) and has kind of spread onto my neck. I'm currently typing with an cold compressor pack thing on my face. sobs. Not good at all. I went to work today with a cap on and my scarf shielding my face completely (only my eyes showed). I wish i took a picture of the bus driver man's face when i first got on the bus. It was so priceless because his face expression changed so fast in matters of seconds!! I'm sure he was scared (that i might bomb the bus), curious (what is this girl trying to hide) and freaked (because i might also be carrying the H1N1 virus). I think i'm gonna dress the same way tmr night, i hope i don't scare people at Nuit Blanche.
Next! A large congrats to S on her engagement!!!!! I'm glad shes allowing me the great pleasure to help you create your engagement dinner invites and letting me use my "expertise" in finding you a printer lol that is indeed what i am good for. Four years of GCM is NOT going to waste!!!! Weddings + Printing = Me, a Happy Panda. Yay! She's my first friend that's getting married, and alrwdy, its so so different from a RELATIVE getting married. K and i are having a blast already with our bbm pre-proposal, post-proposal and pre-wedding chats. haha <3 Cannot wait for the engagement dinnnah coming up very soooon.
On other side notes, i was reading up on some gossip-related news and found out that the show, Jon and Kate plus 8 will no longer be called that but changing to "Kate plus Eight". Hmmm. How very weird. I wonder are they going to make the kids say "NOW HERE'S A NEW EPISODE OF KATE PLUS EIGHT"......i can imagine it being awkward already since typing it was already pretty strange lol that would be pretty sad if they said that. I'm sure the babies will question where did daddy Jon go and then grow up blaming themselves for their daddy's departure when its really daddy douchebag's fault and i'm not going to get into that heh.
AND AND on Gossip Girl, they announced recently that Kevin Zegers is going to be on a "cycle" of episodes. To those who don't know who he is, he's this really hot guy who looks like Chase Crawford and Leonardo DiCaprio (the titanic days) combined into one. I am tres tres excited that such delicious eye candy will be joining an already exciting cast. HHEHEHE
Ok i wanted to a lot type more but my face is irritating me so must stop here and probably head to bed
again, excuse the broken english. i really should put more effort into my typing.
In the near future i foresee:
- a trip to the dermatologist
- an engagement dinner @ baton rouge
- a pedicure date with C @ 10spot
- a rush at work
- more time spent at the gym
- a movie (maybe), dinner, starbucks session with the boys
- 30month anniversary with the mister
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