The most important thing I realized is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us to BUILD CHARACTER and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you can. Forget what you want to remember what you deserve.You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you'll always end up where you were meant to be. You can either let these bad things, define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Fight through it like a warrior. Greater things are to come.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Economical Decisions

Last night after dinner with his parents, LX and i were completely clueless on what to do. We were too poor to call people to come out.... actually we didn't want to go out in general because going out requires money but we didn't want to be boring either. In the end, we decided that we wanted to watch a movie and/or go for ice cream floats @ Demetres. That's when our thinking caps turned on and came up with this:

Movie => Wanting to watch an older movie to save money on the ticket => Me suggesting we go rent one @ Blockbuster => Lx propose that we DOWNLOAD it instead => Saw V DVD Ripped in less than half an hour.
What would cost: $ 21.00 ==> Now costed: $ 0 [ SAVINGS OF $21.00 ]

Dessert @ Demetres => Ice Cream on Sale @ Shoppers Drug Mart => Coke at my house => Us Preparing => Homemade Ice Cream floats
What would cost: $ 4.99 (x2) + tax&tips = $12.59 ==> Now costed: $ 2.99 [ SAVINGS OF $9.54 ]

Aren't we so smart? I feel like we are ^^


I am so proud of my creation!! Ah, i keep on looking at it and love it more and more haha. A large congrats again to Sylvia and her fiancee. =]


annbug said...

that's beautiful kay!

tweeet tweeet