Moving on: Nobody really knows, its really just those whom ive known since elementary school, would know that i have hundreds of comics (95% of it was inherited from my three older cousins) while the other 5% my dad bought them for me haha.
The Craziness hidden away:
Here you can see how deep the drawer is:
Yeah,crazy eh. I actually have another 12"x20"x12" plastic storage case in the basement that has more of the even OLDER ones back from my cousins days in the ninties and eighties lol ive read these comics so many times and i am so not sick of them. Its really crazy haha who would have known right? lol
Anyways i wanted to set that up as a primer.
For the actual purpose of this post, to those that actually care and know about the plot- here is an excerpt copied and pasted from a Globe & Mail Article (courtesy of KP on fb)
Archie commits – finally

One is blond, loyal and kind. The other, raven-haired, charming and rich.
Both great catches in the eyes of many, but after 67 years of being entangled in the comic world's longest-running love triangle, Archie Andrews is set to tie the knot. His fiancé? That vixen Veronica Lodge.
Gasps resounded from the comic's fans yesterday after Archie Comic Publications announced the flighty redhead from Riverdale picked Veronica over Betty Cooper. The publisher sent speculation swirling in mid-May when it announced a special marital-themed storyline for release in August but didn't reveal the lucky lady. The wedding will take place after the gang graduates college and venture out into the working world.
Response to the proposal has been markedly divided. Betty fans are outraged the girl next door has been ditched yet again for the beautiful, yet spoilt, Ronnie. Many question whether Archie should marry at all, lamenting a possible end to the enduring comic-book soap opera (The last time the comic toyed with ending the triangle, Archie chose a third option, Cheryl Blossom, in a cop-out ending.)
You can read the rest of the article here
---------------Now my opinion. One word: GAHHHHHHHHHHH.Oh Archie how can you disappoint me like that.
I cant believe this bull, im outraged that he chose the Glitz and rich. Shows how materialistic men are. All about the BEAUTY and the MONEY. Totally using Betty for food and alternative purposes!!!!!
ARGh. mEN are such jerks man.
I'm actually curious, who is actually GLAD to see Archie end up with Veronica?...hmmmm Maybe i should go stalk some discussion forums and see.
On a more serious tone, im really sad that they actually made the decision to end this...almost seven decades-long love triangle between Archie, Veronica and Betty. Its like when Harry Potter 7 (the novel) came out, i felt like my childhood died the moment i turned the last page to the book. That inner child is slowly diminishing (my inner child is actually a really fat kid so its gonna be a while til im totally out of my kid-mode hah) as all these things that my childhood holds a firm attachment to, comes to an end. Its really sad and miserable actually, im sure a lot of people feels the same way.
There's 6 parts to this series i think, and I am so going to buy every single one of them. Lets hope in the later parts he regrets it and goes for Betty instead ^^ lol or as how the mister put it:
"Don't worry. Archie will divorce Veronica, come out and say all along he really loves Jughead (his best friend)"
sighs. only you Lx, only you. =_____=''''
I like veronica....
I'm disappointed too!! I can't wait for it to come out. LOL it's going to be 5th grade all over again!
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hahaha! i'm a huuuuuge archie fan as well! i have a closet that looks like your drawer! i remember when i was in grade six, i found a stack of archie comic books way back from the 60s at a local thift store! and i was in cloud nine! it was absolutely divine!
anyway...moving on...
i am probably one of the rare ones that support this soon to be announced engagement. ahahaha, i know, "why denise?! why?!" i've always been a veronica fan, and i'll tell you why.
veronica is the true underdog.
everyone hates veronica (maybe because she's rich and pretty and all that jazz). on the flip side, everyone loves betty (perhaps because the woman is perfection personified).
however, betty's likability factor would be in question if there was no veronica.
without veronica, betty would be bland, boring and annoying...because she's too good! so that's why i love veronica. she makes betty who she is. she's the ying to that overpowering yang, and she gets all the beating for everything because she's ballin'! a true underdog.
anyway, i think jughead and betty make a better couple anyway =]
(hahaha. damn. i'm passionate about this topic.)
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