7:15am- WakeUp to do my morning bathroom routine, turn on laptop before going to the washroom, assign positions to my minions on restaurant city (freak, i know), load an episode of Criminal Minds that i did not finish the previous night, check my blog subscriptions, check facebook photos, check weather. THEN, i begin to choose what to wear and change
7:45am- I set my laptop beside me and sit on the ground and begin to put on my face in front of the mirror while the episode of criminal mind that i was loading begins to play. I guess i do my hair too during this time depending on my mood.
8:05am- I go downstairs to eat breakfast and carry my laptop with me so i can finish the episode of Criminal Minds
8:20am- Leave the house.
9am-5pm- The wonderful 8 hours of being a noobie marketing associate
5pm-7pm- I either:
a) bus home and catch up on whatever that i missed during my 8 hours at work that i wasnt able to check on my blackberry and feed my minions on restaurant city.
b) the mister comes get me and we go to Starbucks and spend time together until we both gotta go home to eat with our families : )
7pm-8pm Dinner with the fam, gossip about my day with the parents, have meaningful, intellectual conversation with my dad regarding real estate trends, fruits and the goddam tamil protest(s) going around toronto.
8pm-10:15pm I do whatever i need to do to prepare for the next day, or procrastinate and go make-believe online shopping...all while feeding my minions and watching Criminal Minds
10:30pm- Pause Criminal minds, call the mister to say goodnight & the snoring begins
Talk about being super boring.....and sad.
I'm a freaking robot thats OBSESSED with Criminal Minds, Restaurant City and the Internet. I have no social interaction whatsoever during the week...which is why i look forward to Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays so much because its the only days im able to stray away from my "9-5" schedule and actually SEE people (even though i get dead tired by midnight =__=). But ya, im sure people who do 9-5 as well actually have lives other than me so kudos to you guys lol
However with that said, its the weekend now and i tend to migrate to the misters for a couple of days during the weekend when the house is free. Yesterday i went to some warehouse sale that sold dirt cheap Smashbox, RedEarth and Elizabeth Arden make-up (and a lot of other cheap stuff). Holy shit i think i walked out with like 200 bucks worth of stuff and im actually considering going back for more even though its a TERRIBLE idea.
As you can see in the picture, i ended up getting:
- an Elizabeth Arden Quad Shadow Palette (im starting to get confused on what colors i have, and what colors i DONT have)
- a RedEarth brow kit (gotta learn how to shape my my invisible eyebrows)
- RedEarth Duo Eyeliner in blue (for two dollars!!!)
- Smashbox Matte Dry/Wet Foundation (i think i just found the best foundation in my limited-knowledge world on foundation)
- Smashbox's Bronzer Disc that was 57% off the original price (now i just gotta learn how to apply it without looking like burnt toast)
- 99 cents Sally Hassen Nail Stuff
- other misc. stuff like Dove Facial Kits and things for my brother.
I need to stop with this spending. I was actually crossing my fingers as they scanned the stuff and prayed it wouldnt go over 2 bills because i think thats all i have left on my Visa and it would be pretty embarrassing if they swiped it and it goes DENIED (happened before, very embarrassing, people give u that mean dirty look.)
I guess this 9-5 thing isnt so bad since its paying for my debts. Blah.
Okies, time to go make mango pudding.
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