The most important thing I realized is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us to BUILD CHARACTER and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you can. Forget what you want to remember what you deserve.You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you'll always end up where you were meant to be. You can either let these bad things, define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Fight through it like a warrior. Greater things are to come.

Monday, June 1, 2009

This is why I want to work for big name corporations like Ernst&Young

Today i went and got Part 3 0f 3 Cavity Fillings appointments scheduled for me because i have SO many cavities they werent able to eliminate them in one go. Akemo must be so disappointed in me. In total, i paid 1300 dollars to get my teeth to be squeaky clean....with only 600 of it covered by insurance. sighs. Do the math, it equals to A DENT IN MY WALLETT. Which is why the lesson here is: work for a company that has a GOOD DENTAL BENEFITS PACKAGE. or ANY GOOOD benefits package to say the least. Or invest in one. Omg i need a freaking benefits package.

Moving on.

Then, i stepped next door to where i normally get my glasses to ask them about how the rates for contact lenses work. Because i have realtively a little bit excessive money (for the next 3 days anyways), i figured now is the time to attempt to be different by looking like an alien (that wears metal retainers. yes! i have new awkward retainers) and try out contact lenses. Anyways so it will cost me a bill-ish for 2 boxes....i dont have a clue whether thats reasonable or not, i gotta ask the mister for advice. I proceed on to ask her how much would COLOR contacts cost because i wanna be a colored-eye alien. She asked me some questions about how bad were my eyes and whether i have some sort of condition (light reflective or something technical like that) and i wasnt really able to answer because i didnt have a clue and told her i have a "file" with them. She asked for my name, I replied and for a good ten seconds i thought she was about to get up to grab it when she sat down quite quickly and answered in chinese:

No. Your case is too extreme. They dont make color contacts for cases like yours.

sobs = (

So apparently my case is so unique that she remembers my name. Or maybe im the only file under the "EXTREME CASES" cabinet. Either way it sucks to be almost legally blind with some sort of lights-reflective condition (!???!) . Normally i would be pretty insulted and insist that they check but knowing that my eyes are pretty bad i totally accepted it and just said, "Aw" while she frowned at me. She looked very unhappy.

double sobs = (((((((

Sucks to have cavity-proned teeth and bad eyes.

Other random bits on my agenda
- I officially dont have a convocation dress anymore because the people forgot to ship it on the plane! ha ha ha
- I officially start assisting in paying mortgage bills and OSAP starting July. ha ha ha
-I'm starting to take up an interest in really expensive Asian-brand skin care products. Right when i gotta start forking up 60% of my pay cheque. ha ha ha
- My nails r chipping. ha ha haaaaa

It hasnt been a good day/night.
Lets hope chicken wings tmr and migration to the misters for the next couple of days will make me happier.


eunchae said...

did u pay for the dress already? you should make them give u a refund!!

and aw :( to your random bits. sigh ~ welcome to real life.

tweeet tweeet