Starting with,
1. Edward Cullen you are a God
Haha enough said, he is gorgeous and a god-like creature that acts weird and awkward ONLY for the sake of turning off fans because the truth is, he has SOOO many that it has become harmful to his health and endangering his life. The risk of being jumped and sexually violated on the street by tweens, teens, women, and the elderly who wants a piece of him is too high. Just a small conclusion akemo and I thought of. Haha To this day I still regret not going to go see him at Muchmusic.
2. Burberry Day in New York
So I didn’t even know Burberry is such a hit over there? I mean, enough for it to be declared a day? Apparently there's even a building built for it. Shows what I know about NYC- not enough.
3. Jon and Kate plus 8
At first I was SO sad when I first saw the news that JON cheated. Then it became gay when they began to say KATE cheated. Now, whether people like it or not, or whether I accept the fact that one of my most favorite married couples whom I believed define the words marriage/parental bliss....- is going to split. Every damn media spotlight is focused on them and its just going to get worst and theyre just going to hate each other even more and there would be no more jon AND kate. I don’t thinkkkk they cheated on each other but I think the accusations provoked all the frustrations that have already been building up between them and leads to thisssss. I personally think Kates a big biatch (with her whole “Everybody wants my hair comment” - can you spell SELF-ABSORBED? I bet even your kids can spell that......but shes a good mother. Hmmm I wonder if being a biatch and being a good mother has any correlation with one another. Hm, Go figure. lol
Anyways, honestly Jon&kate, think of the children!!! Maybe they can give Aiden to me if the family becomes broken. KEKEKEKE.
4. Hayden Christensenn and Rachel Bilson
ENGAGED ARE THEY!?!I didn’t even noe they were going out!!! Mygosh.
5. meg ryans daughter is......chinese!?!

Omg hahaha what a cutie tho. She looks like a mini me but prettier cuz she looks mixed. Lol
6. Hugh Jackman Has Bulging Biceps
Hahaha nothing really. Its just the headline made me laugh out loud in the office haha
7. Scream 4
what the helllll. Haha that’s like bringing back, I Know What You Did Last Summer....interesting though.
8. Eminem/Bruno Stunt Was Staged (Duh)
I don’t believe that for a minute. The FURIOUS pissed off face eminem have was not part of an act or anything like that. Hes not THAT greAT OF an actor....we can all tell by 8 Mile....haha anyways ya holy shit Borats gonna have to look twice when hes crossing the street or watch his back cuz if eminem was still as ghetto as he use to be- he would take that guy out SO quicklyyyy for rubbing his balls in his face...yes. Gotta suck to be nut sacked by Borat haha
edit ###
ok so apparently eminem himself confirmed that he WAS part of the prank.....but i still dont believe him. haha He's not THAT great of an actor.
yeah i think thats it haha
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