The most important thing I realized is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us to BUILD CHARACTER and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you can. Forget what you want to remember what you deserve.You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you'll always end up where you were meant to be. You can either let these bad things, define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Fight through it like a warrior. Greater things are to come.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


(via Source)

Its 17 degrees today, 15 yesterday, 16 degrees for the next two days. Does this mean summer is coming at full speed!?!? (Probably not, flurries are expected next week. LAME.)

But this coming summer im expecting it to be explosive. Or at least i want to try to make it "productive" as much as i can. I'm really gonna try and make this summer count!! I'm starting it off by going to Cayo Coco, Cuba and hope in the middle of the summer head down to Jersey/NYC and possibly something else to end summer!?!?! Don't know yet lol. But the things I want to accomplish this spring/summer:
  • Finish Room Reno
    Get the room painted, get the wardrobe in place and new bed sheets at the very least and I'll worry about decor and everything else later
  • Portfolio Site, Twitter & Blog
    I really need to get my portfolio site up and going. Its so essential and is my "money" making tool yet I've completely put that last on my to-do list. I MUST get that up and going by June or July at the very latest. I can't enter a new season without being done. That said while I'm at it, give my twitter page and this blog a new look. That's always fun to do lol
  • Business Card
    Can't skimp out on this (effort and money). Just tonight a random stranger the mister and i met at Starbucks and was interested in getting our contacts to potentially do contract work for him but it looked so bad because....WE HAD NO BUSINESS CARDS. SIGHSx.
  • Bikini Body
    Well not so much a BIKINI bod because that's like impossible for my size but at the very least i really want to slim down and trim my pear-shaped body. I am approximately 8lbs away!!! I just have to keep on gymming 3-4 times a week, hot yoga and eat in moderation and i shall be good!!!
  • Outdoors Paintball with the kids & Outdoor Volleyball with the kids
    Major negligence right there. I am guilty of all charges of not setting up something. I'm sorry guys.
  • Movies i need to download *ahem* see
    Includes: Clash of the Titans, Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps, Iron Man 2, Robin Hood, Sex& the City 2, Avatar: Last Air Bender, Eclipse and Inception
  • Explore Toronto & the Eats with boyfriend
    Cuz we are fattys that wanna be artsy. haha
Okay lets hope i still have a JOB at the end of the summer to support all my plans.

*crosses fingers*


    tweeet tweeet