This picture makes me feel so so sad.
Maybe because long hair means a lot to me and I currently miss mine terribly. (God what was i thinking when i cut the four inches long. Did i forget how freaking long it takes for my hair to grow?! Gahhhhh) OR because there's like a couple of thousand things going through my mind and i just want to go body combat all of it out of my head. Since my thoughts aren't exactly too organized right now, l'll start type-jotting things again.
So why are there a couple of thousand things going through my mind right now. Last night the mister left my place well after midnight (and that's REALLY late b/c i'm normally in my bed and under my covers by 10:30pm) because we spent the night talking (about pretty much everything) and he left me with a lot of questions and a lot of things to think about.
That's the thing i absolutely love about Lx, is his objective perspective. There's that saying/quote or whatever that says "You should think outside of the Box"- i personally feel that he is able to do everything that quote asks for and more. I find its very hard to take a step back and be objective when there are a million monkeys (metaphorically speaking) surrounding you with chatter and as a result you become trapped in this so called "box". I am glad he is able to step out of that. That said, being someone that thinks with their mind but act on their heart, it's very hard for me to be objective when 101% of the time i am influenced by my emotions or the emotions of others (and how they would feel if i make a certain decision). Having him explain and share his perspective not only helps me become stronger (if not immediately) but also makes me consider a lot of things, which brings me to present-day and my essay-like typing for the past twenty minutes.
Sorry to bore. That's the end of that rant.
Next. I love the gym, it makes me feel wonderful but i'm not seeing results and its discouraging me. It kind of sucks because my main motivation was to look fantastic for Halloween (notice i said Halloween and not my birthday. I love Halloween way more than my own birth-day so lets not disappoint the dork this year!)
And this ice coffee isn't perking me up either.
I need a higher paying job too.
& a hair straightener. Yeah. I got my hair trimmed with twin last weekend @ a small Korean place and the results was fantastic. Straightened, thinned, styled, 20 bucks!!! I heart. But it becomes a bush again after a wash so all that is kind of useless if i go back looking like Aslan the lion. Any suggestions on where and what brand/kind i should get since im kinda a hair-straightener noob? i will luv you forever and thanks.
I still need to go stalk the other BMV locations. Alice in Wonderland is really dry.
OMG it just hit me. I just had a total EUREKA moment. I know EXACTLY what i can get Tall Jenn for her Birthday and she would absolutely LOVE IT. My only dilemma is, i HAVE to go to Urban Outfitters ASAP before it sold out. My vague memory reminds me i only saw two left at the store and its sold out all over America and apparently Vancouver. SHit shit shit shit.
Oh and this made me feel uber great:

That's my popularity at its all time highest over at Tumblr. I feel special. ('Mind you that its normally at ZERO). Yeah...i should stop spending time on the internet and do some REAL LIFE EXCITING ACTIVITIES!!!! Note: the sarcasm.
Nuit Blanche next week! I am tres excited because i consider the free 'contemporary arts night' to be something special between lx and i but since we both are so boring now (haha), we don't mind going with other people. I also miss coco and albie. The other night i spent half an hour on the phone with coco and we both agreed that we need to do something in the near 2-weeks future because we've been deprived of each others company. I do hope i get to see them both soon.
Lastly, I apologize again for the lack of structure and sense in this rant. & i did not realize this would turn into a word vomit. And and! Even though i sound so terribly depressed, frustrated and upset- i'm feeling actually quite fine but just a little tired (from lack of sleep). That would explain the lack of my usual bubbly (online) presence.
So why are there a couple of thousand things going through my mind right now. Last night the mister left my place well after midnight (and that's REALLY late b/c i'm normally in my bed and under my covers by 10:30pm) because we spent the night talking (about pretty much everything) and he left me with a lot of questions and a lot of things to think about.
That's the thing i absolutely love about Lx, is his objective perspective. There's that saying/quote or whatever that says "You should think outside of the Box"- i personally feel that he is able to do everything that quote asks for and more. I find its very hard to take a step back and be objective when there are a million monkeys (metaphorically speaking) surrounding you with chatter and as a result you become trapped in this so called "box". I am glad he is able to step out of that. That said, being someone that thinks with their mind but act on their heart, it's very hard for me to be objective when 101% of the time i am influenced by my emotions or the emotions of others (and how they would feel if i make a certain decision). Having him explain and share his perspective not only helps me become stronger (if not immediately) but also makes me consider a lot of things, which brings me to present-day and my essay-like typing for the past twenty minutes.
Sorry to bore. That's the end of that rant.
Next. I love the gym, it makes me feel wonderful but i'm not seeing results and its discouraging me. It kind of sucks because my main motivation was to look fantastic for Halloween (notice i said Halloween and not my birthday. I love Halloween way more than my own birth-day so lets not disappoint the dork this year!)
And this ice coffee isn't perking me up either.
I need a higher paying job too.
& a hair straightener. Yeah. I got my hair trimmed with twin last weekend @ a small Korean place and the results was fantastic. Straightened, thinned, styled, 20 bucks!!! I heart. But it becomes a bush again after a wash so all that is kind of useless if i go back looking like Aslan the lion. Any suggestions on where and what brand/kind i should get since im kinda a hair-straightener noob? i will luv you forever and thanks.
I still need to go stalk the other BMV locations. Alice in Wonderland is really dry.
OMG it just hit me. I just had a total EUREKA moment. I know EXACTLY what i can get Tall Jenn for her Birthday and she would absolutely LOVE IT. My only dilemma is, i HAVE to go to Urban Outfitters ASAP before it sold out. My vague memory reminds me i only saw two left at the store and its sold out all over America and apparently Vancouver. SHit shit shit shit.
Oh and this made me feel uber great:

That's my popularity at its all time highest over at Tumblr. I feel special. ('Mind you that its normally at ZERO). Yeah...i should stop spending time on the internet and do some REAL LIFE EXCITING ACTIVITIES!!!! Note: the sarcasm.
Nuit Blanche next week! I am tres excited because i consider the free 'contemporary arts night' to be something special between lx and i but since we both are so boring now (haha), we don't mind going with other people. I also miss coco and albie. The other night i spent half an hour on the phone with coco and we both agreed that we need to do something in the near 2-weeks future because we've been deprived of each others company. I do hope i get to see them both soon.
Lastly, I apologize again for the lack of structure and sense in this rant. & i did not realize this would turn into a word vomit. And and! Even though i sound so terribly depressed, frustrated and upset- i'm feeling actually quite fine but just a little tired (from lack of sleep). That would explain the lack of my usual bubbly (online) presence.
Good day.
1. maybe you should change your routine at the gym... your body is probably used to all the body pump & bodycombat classes...
one way you can change is to change the weights on your bar... another way is to perhaps try to do different cardio like go on the bicycle after a class... or or you can even work out on the weight machines in front of the cardio stuff at the gym (don't worry, there are instructions on the machines on how to use them, or you can wait until i can teach you as well :) )
2. i like your shorter hair now. it's looks more volumous :)
3. which reminds me, i still haven't seen you with your contacts1
4. are we trading halloween outfits this year?!?!??! =D
kk let me know via fb :)
stop thinking so much. BTW, answer my email!!!!
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