Of course i read a couple of pages of Alice in Wonderland but that book is so jacked up and weird i literally cannot go pass, A COUPLE OF PAGES without giving up because i get so confused. At this rate i can finish the book when the movie is out NEXT YEAR. =__=''
Then i go on NewMoonMovie.org && EclipseMovie.org and crazy BBM akemo and start a frantic rant on how much i lurve twilight.

in case you didn't catch it yet- I <3 JACOB
ohtayyyyy its work time~
jailbait kaleeeena! jailbait!!!
i think he's soooo much hotter that robert!!! there was a picture of him on a celebrity gossip site... and guess what?! he was shirtless!!!!! man, he's soo hot!
but i didn't know he's not legal yet....!?!!?!??! what are they feeding these kids!?!?!?!?!?! lol
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