ive been SO into tumblr-ing for the past couple of weeks i totally want to completely migrate over and start a completely new tumblr for etc. purposes (my current one already has a theme which im sticking with). Love tumblr, there's constant inspiration over there.
...........but i think that's such an impulsive decision so im going to hold out.
Happy Birthday to my BFF today!!! <3>
& i declare it being officially fall today (in my calendar) because im breaking in my fall/winter boots and wearing a new "autumn"-trend polish color! Love the boots but need to adjust to the color. haha
A side note, im sad that tickets for "The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus" is sold out. i wanted to surprise the mister with them too.... sniff sniff.
&& this weekend is going to be quite eventful! I'm going to try sneaking in wearing my maxi dress ONE LAST TIME this weekend before it gets retired with all my summer dresses. (Yeah i realized i am so contradicting because i just declared it autumn moments ago...but its ohkay). Hopefully i can take my camera out of the corner and blow the dust off by using it again. I miss loading pictures on facebook.
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