The most important thing I realized is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us to BUILD CHARACTER and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you can. Forget what you want to remember what you deserve.You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you'll always end up where you were meant to be. You can either let these bad things, define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Fight through it like a warrior. Greater things are to come.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

alien activist

Alright so the mister and i, and his two bff went to see District 9 last night. The movie had an awesome 89% rating on, and appraisal from a handful of people on my facebook AND its directed/produced (not sure which one) by Peter's gotta be good.

Um, surprisingly i felt like the movie was overrated. Not saying that it wasn't good because it was quite good and i really enjoyed myself (the random transformer robot part was too awesome), but i'm not sure if it was 89% good lol I think the reason why im on the fence on this one is because i don't like anything that has to do with abuse, cruelty, families being split apart and the movie is pretty much all about that lol The movie is basically about the US Government keeping the aliens on earth to try to learn and steal their weapons/technology meanwhile all the aliens just want to go home. It's pretty messed-up to see how the government would do anything (torture, experiments, etc.) to obtain and understand how to use alien "technology" for them to use for their own warfare (if thats sucha word) purposes. I walked out of the movie sadden and pissed off with how humans treated the prawns (thats what the aliens were called in the movie). No species deserve to be tortured and experimented, whether it be fictitious or not lol

I remember in one of my past xanga entries, i wrote up a similar entry on how i hate movies that has to do with hate, cruelty and torture and i would end up hating the people that were the evil culprit. The example i used was, i once watched this movie documentary on the British robbing China's Imperial Garden/Palace and all this sick shit happen (murder, robbery, rape, torture). After that, i hated white people for a week. I remember i saw a white couple walking down the street like half an hour after i finished the movie, i wanted to go run after them with a powerdrill. Then another time i watched this World War II movie on how the Japanese was torturing/murdering/raping the Chinese. Again, i hated Japanese people for another week and refused to eat sushi for a good while. Now in the case of District 9, i hate humans. We are a cruel and greedy species. Shame on us.

& this is why i cant watch movies like that.



MsTran said...

they are just too sexy!!! hahaha

tweeet tweeet