I finished reading The Time Travelers Wife last night and to my dismay, I did not cry as much as I intended/wanted to (it didn’t stop me from calling lx sobbing though haha). I remembered I cried like a baby when I first read A Walk to Remember and I expected pretty much the same thing with this novel. I was a little bit disappointed but nonetheless I enjoyed the love story, and the concepts and themes that are applicable to the novel (that sounded lame).
Just a general synopsis (even though everyone knows what its about) , the story is about a man (Eric Bana in the movie) who has a genetic disorder that causes him to "time travel" against his own will. What that means is he can't really "control" when he disappears/reappears and where to (past or future). Its even more strange because when he time travels he leaves behind anything that is not a part of his body, meaning he'll show up naked 101% of the time. It's a little "weird" but it worked out for the story lol Anyways he meets his wife (Rachel McAdams) for the FIRST time when she's 6 and he's 43 (i believe), but fast-tracking to the present, he doesn't officially meet her until he's 28 and shes 20. If that makes ANY sense at all, it would mean for the first 28 years of his life, he does not know she existed until she meets him but vice versa, she has actually known of his existance since the age of 6........get it? No i didn't think so. lol ANYWAYS, the story jumps back and forth from the female protanganist to the male, from year to year, age to age and in the end, everything simply connected.
As flawed as the story sounds, and as much discussion there is to the concept that was invented in the story- bottomline was that it was good lol. Even though there was honestly way too much “love making” scenes, I loved how real the author tried to make the characters be.
What I mean was, [SPOILER WARNING] the author did not at all try to sugar-coat the birth scene. Normally on TV, movies and novels they tend to skimp out on the details of what goes on when a woman goes into labor. What I particularly loved about this portion of the story was there was no discretion or sugar-coating. You see the female protagonist totally losing it, she’s swearing her ass off, the husband is all tense and nervous, there was sweat, and there was pain that you could feel jump out at you (before and after the birth).
For someone like me who wants a family (and as everyone in high-school said, l’ll have a whole farm of kids haha), I am not at all reminded of how much PAIN I must endure in order to have one because everything is just so-easy on tv. Especially for someone like me who is particularly sensitive to pain, my best friend wonders how im going to do it haha
That said, I’m glad to read a love story that does not skimp out on (or completely eliminate) the pain and heartaches that must be endured in order to give meaning to love and intensify a relationship. (Also because it was oh-so romantic and who doesn’t love romance? kekekkkeekke)
I think I WILL be watching the movie version (despite reviews, ratings, jennuts advisory lol), hopefully with my bff. I don’t know if I can cry in front of her though. I remember we both were watching something super sad in highschool and I wasn’t able to cry for some reason ahhaha oh, and also her and twin has a thing where they enjoy making fun of me when I cry to really stupid things (i.e. Remember when #9 was hung/executed and died?!?! In some old TVB drama- yeah, that one didn’t die for YEARS) lollllll Also I love Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana is seductive in his own manly-special way.
Yay. Now onto The Host!
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