The most important thing I realized is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us to BUILD CHARACTER and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you can. Forget what you want to remember what you deserve.You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you'll always end up where you were meant to be. You can either let these bad things, define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Fight through it like a warrior. Greater things are to come.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Breaking it Down (Brought to you by Manilajones)

On Xanga, i subscribe to this guy name manilajones because i love reading everything he has to say. i swear this guy is the funniest guy on the face of this earth. I don't remember how i found his blog but i was one of those crazy bitches that went back and read EVERY single entry he wrote and laughed like a maniac as i went through them all (Pls don't be scard). In particular, he is also a STARBUCKS addict- so i can relate to his weekly Tuesday Tales @ Starbucks. lol Anyways, he wrote this super awesome entry that i just HAD to share. It's titled:

Xanga Sluts and Attention Whores
[ Just change the words XANGA to blogger/livejournal/wordpress/typepad/etc/and etc ]
[ Again, i did not write this. This is just a PORTION of the entry. I give absolutely all credit to manilajones so if he ever reads this and think i stole his stuff, no. i did not steal your stuff manilajones. & if you dont like me sharing it then i can take it off at your request ]

Like a standard-issue whore, a blog-whore wants attention in exchange for blog entries. There are people in the blogosphere whose sole motivation for blogging is to get people to notice them. These are the harlots who openly say that they blog for their readers and not for themselves. These are the people who chronicle their thoughts, but feel their thoughts are worthless if they don’t receive comments. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that their blogs are any good. In many cases, these blog entries are cheap, lifeless, boring, and uninspired. A blog-whore doesn’t necessarily enjoy blogging; they just want the attention. And like a prostitute who operates on referrals, a blog-strumpet likes to say things like, “If you like this, then please rec!”

Every blogger has an ego, but not every blogger craves attention. In the house of Xanga, there are essentially and objectively two types of bloggers who blog a lot: There are (1) those who blog for comments and there are (2) those who don’t. You are either (1) a whore or (2) a slut; there is no in-between. If you’re someone who blogs because you’re addicted to the attention it brings to you, then you’re a blog-whore (1). If you blog for your audience because you love the way they make you feel, then you’re a blog-streetwalker (1). If your singular ambition in Xanga is to make it into the Top Blogs whorehouse, then you’re a blog-prostitute (1). But, if you’re someone who gives it up easily and blogs for no other ulterior motives, then you’re a blog-slut (2). If you blog for no reason other than to fulfill your insatiable libido to post a blog entry, then you’re a blog-skank (2) (and possibly need therapy).

PWAHHAHA. Well written! I could not have articulate it any better myself (actually i reallly can't. i do a poor job of articulating my thoughts, let alone organizing it in an entertaining way)
You can visit him at manilajones@xanga dot com


tweeet tweeet