The most important thing I realized is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us to BUILD CHARACTER and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you can. Forget what you want to remember what you deserve.You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you'll always end up where you were meant to be. You can either let these bad things, define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Fight through it like a warrior. Greater things are to come.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Six years.

Its been six years that ive been searching for this. & tonight i finally found the full version of the theme song from 律政新人王 <<忘記傷害 by 林峯>>. ive always just had the "extracted" version and never the actual full thing and tonight after listening to it just now for the first time in its full, it still doesnt fail to make me tear up if not worst than when i first heard it.

gah. this is like grade 12 all over again lol

i hate emo songs.


tweeet tweeet