The most important thing I realized is that painful breakups, unrequited love, shitty jobs and the like help us to BUILD CHARACTER and that no matter how bad it feels, we are much better off because of it. Sometimes you have to stand alone to make sure you can. Forget what you want to remember what you deserve.You may not end up where you thought you'd be, but you'll always end up where you were meant to be. You can either let these bad things, define you, destroy you or strengthen you. Fight through it like a warrior. Greater things are to come.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Saw my cousin's tweet && followed up on this!
After three years and two beautiful children, Nicole Richie is engaged to Joel Madden
Aw. I love them. I think Nicole Ritchie cleaned up well (once she ditched Paris Hilton) haha Yays. Down-to-earth love DOES exist in the celebrity world. Makes me believeeee again lol


tweeet tweeet